Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I am back, and I need to be more than ever.

Hey remember when i used to write on here every day?...Obsess over my food, my thoughts, my feelings, my problems...Well I don't know what happened. Its like I lost the will to even have discipline with myself. I just gave up on trying so hard and I'm more miserable than ever.
I stopped counting calories even though every bite of food was screaming at me to not kill it.
I feel the guilty effect from just eating and not listening to ana as she screams in my fucking face every damn day. I used to be 88 lbs and they forced me to eat....
Well I have a job again.
I have access to a computer while I'm here and I can start counting calories, restricting as much as possible, diet pills, exercise, weighing everyday most likely twice a day.
I feel like a FAT PIG
please give me motivation


  1. Darling! I am so glad you are still around.. Good luck with everything.. I know how horrid it is to let go of this and find everything fall apart. But I know you of all of us can get it together and get back everything you let go of..

    Always here for you my dear.
    All the best xx

    1. thank you so much for believing in me. I've already got my weight down to 106 from 110 the other day. I hope you are okay.

  2. Hey sweetie, welcome back. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling so badly at the moment. But it's always a worry when people stop posting, so I'm relieved to know you're still here.

    Sending you a big hug. Keep us updated xx

    1. I know i need to be updating more I just get into these moods where its so hard to write what i'm feeling
