Thursday, March 8, 2012

oh, so happy

If you're about to binge I have a good place to go that may change your mind :

Some of the food on  here looks absolutely fucking disgusting.
Some may look kind of good but also disgusting at the same time.

The Flatline Burger
Double bacon cheeseburger with peanut butter deep fried and served with two sides of chipotle mayo.

In other news I have something fantastic to share. I'm down to 117 lbs. Visible ribs, and my shoulders feel bonier. Yesterday I also worked out my love handles and I can really feel it today. Also this may be TMI but I had a GREAT workout last night due to the sex with Landon. I kinda feel bad cause I just kinda only wanted to so I could get some sort of workout in. It payed off thoughhh. 2 lbs in one day. 13 lbs in 1 1/2 weeks I am so scared when I'm going to plateau "/ I have my next doctors appointment on friday and she's going to see that i've lost so much weight and she says she doesnt want me losing weight she wants me stay at a steady weight. Seriously?? I'm fat, I need to get skinny. They're are already way too many fat people in this world. I seriously think they should make it illegal to advertise unhealthy fast food. It's sucking people in more and more and it's horrible seeing how society is. Seeing how parents can let they're 4 year old children hit 200 lbs. Why would anyone in their right mind let a child end up like this? It should be considered child abuse. My mother worked at mcdonalds until i was about 4. She would come home every night and I'd beg her for french fries and if she didn't  have them I threw a horrible fit. That's what these fattening horrible corporations are doing. They're making the future generation fat lazy people. 

For losing this weight i will be posting thinspo laterrrr (:


  1. 117 lbs is amazing. I'm so jealous. Do you have a goal weight?

    1. I was 130 on February 20th. I think i'm making decent progress but I want more. I barely eat anything anymore, I feel like I should be seeing better. Yeah i really want to be 100 lbs by March 26th. I know it seems unrealistic but we'll see
